
Legal information

Limitation of Liability

The information contained on our website has been carefully prepared and/or researched. No liability can be assumed for the up-to-dateness, completeness and correctness of the data.

We have no influence on the content of other websites to which we refer by link and assume no liability in this respect. The respective provider of the linked website is responsible for the up-to-dateness, completeness and correctness of the information. When the link was made, no legal violations were recognisable. Should we become aware of this, the respective link will be removed immediately.

Copyright and Industrial Property Rights

The contents and works published on our website are subject to German copyright law. Unless otherwise stated, the rights lie with us as provider of this website. Use of the published content and works requires the written consent of ADMETAM Business Consultants GmbH.

The design elements and the layout of this website may not be copied or reproduced without the written consent of ADMETAM Business Consultants GmbH.

Logos and brands on this website are the property of ADMETAM Business Consultants GmbH or third party companies and may not be modified.

Source photos

Mlenny/GettyImages; Ralf Hiemisch/GettyImages; istock/ Jacus; Alamy Stock Foto; Unsplash; Photostudio Werneke Wiesbaden
