Carlos Mack Castelletti is a partner of ADMETAM Business Consultants GmbH. He has over 20 years of experience in insolvency proceedings at national and international level. From 13 district courts in Germany, he was appointed as insolvency- and intrinsically administrator. In accordance with the development of insolvency law in Germany he is increasingly involved in the restructuring of ongoing operations by insolvency plan procedure. Another focus of his work lies in the restructuring of companies, in particular financial and organisational structures as well as in corporate transactions. He has conducted far more than 100 corporate insolvencies and turnarounds. In out-of-court matters, Dr. Mack acts as managing CRO, liquidator or trustee. For years he has been involved in both the INSOL Europe as well as in the association TMA (Turnaround Management Association). Dr. Mack is the senior partner in our Milan office.
Language skills: German, English, Italian, Spanish, French